Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Parent Task Force/LICC Meeting

Parent Task Force/LICC Meeting

November 2, 2009
BlaST IU #17 office, 2400 Reach Rd.
Wmspt., PA 17701

What is this meeting about?

The South Wmspt. Police force will discuss " Project Lifesaver," an electronic technology to locate missing persons. It has recently been used to successfully locate at least two individuals in the Lycoming County area.

Come hear about this excellent program and meet other parents of children with disabilities.

If you require child care, please contace Marily Ely, #326-7895.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Aha Moment...

Today, I attended the Hear Now and Forever Conference in Wilkes Barre, PA. The key note speaker, Kris English spoke about audiograms. She said, "an audiogram is just a map." It is important to also consider the child to determine the best intervention. "How old is he?, " "How old was he at the age of on set?," " What are the family dynamics?, " "What are his likes and dislikes? " An audiogram is just a map. What does an audiogram tell us? Very little....... Get to know the child.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Today, we made apple prints. We talked about the signs of Fall.
What do we see in Fall?
We see colored leaves. We see squirrels. We see apples. We see pumpkins. What do you see?

Pumpkin Patch

There were lots of pumpkins to pick at the pumpkin patch.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fall Break

A reminder that EI is on break Thursday, Oct. 15th and Friday , October 16th. No services will be provided on these dates.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


My family and I are now off to the pumpkin patch. :)


Today I completed my website assignment. I need to always keep in mind that it takes longer to complete assignments than planned. Whew! I'm glad to be done.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tech Class

I just created my first blog. How exciting!